抢先听Kanye West新曲《Southside Serenade》Demo!
text:kobe source:Youtube | Fashion | 03 26 2018
YEEZY 的新鞋款迟迟未在国内正式发售,相信各位都等得有点不耐烦。不要紧,今天先来听听 “YEEZY” 的音乐新作。Kanye West 的最新作品 “Southside Serenade” 突现网络,虽然只是 Demo 形式,音质未如十分理想。但是作为抢先听也是相当不错的。新曲的灵感据说来自他的已故母亲 Donda West 。“Sitting on a runway, time on my hands, thinking of you again. As I replay our conversations, pray that everything fell in place. Like a mirror lookin' back at me, sayin' you're the only one” 充分表达这次新曲的主题。如果你觉得新曲很赞,不妨一起重温此前的 “Only One” ,该曲也是对母亲的赞赏与感恩。